arkanoid game tutorial part 1

But... what is Arkanoid?

Arkanoid  is a very famous is an arcade game developed by Taito in 1986. As the English Wikipedia says: "The player controls the "Vaus", a space vessel that acts as the game's "paddle" which prevents a ball from falling from the playing field, attempting to bounce it against a number of bricks. The ball striking a brick causes the brick to disappear. When all the bricks are gone, the player goes to the next level, where another pattern of bricks appears. There are a number of variations (bricks that have to be hit multiple times, flying enemy ships, etc.) and power-up capsules to enhance the Vaus (expand the Vaus, multiply the number of balls, equip a laser cannon, break directly to the next level, etc.), but the gameplay remains the same.
At round 33, the final stage, the player will take on the game's boss, "DOH", a head resembling moai. Once a player reaches round 33, he must defeat DOH with his remaining extra lives because there are no continues on the final round."

Let's start!

Ok, now we know what is Arkanoid...but what are we going to do? We are going to do a port of that game (yeah, there are a lot of ports of this game but our port is spceal: it will have been made by us :P), a simple and easy port but it will be funny and that is the most important thing, no?

What are we going to use?

We are going to use these tools:
  • Unity (I will use Unity Pro v.4.5.1f3
  • Paper (yes, a normal paper where I will draw and design, but you can use for example Paint)
  • Photoshop (or Gimp, for design graphics and textures)
  • And the most important thing: a brain
Go, go, go!

Once you have all of these "tools" we can start to develop this awesome and amazing project :P. So open Unity and create a new project importing the assets that you want to use (at the begining I won't import any asset) and remember to set defaults for 2D!

Now, open Photoshop or Gimp and start to design these textures:

  • One texture for the spaceship
  • One texture for the common block, for example a grey spaceship
  • Seven textures for the special weapons that you can obtain for your spaceship on each level
  • One texture for the ball
If you don't know (or you are too lazy ;), you can dowload my textures at the end of the post.
Now, let's go to Unity and create a new folder called Textures where you should place the textures that you have done.

Warning! Remember to set the properties of the textures like this:

  • For the ball (if you use alpha channel): 

  • For the blocks:

Link to dowload my textures:


So, now we have done textures and we have created the project. In the next part of the tutorial we will start with the basic movement of the ball and also with some weapons for the spaceship.
I will post here the link to the next tutorial when it will be published! Please share it in Facebook and Twitter at the buttons below!