Hi! After a lot of time without publish in this blog, I think that is a good moment to continue, and I come with a lot of news!
I have been working doing some games and apps in Unity (I am preparing a portfolio to show it ;) and I started to sell my work in Fiverr doing these works:
- Programming scripts
- Programming games (in 2D or 3D for all the platforms that Unity supports) with its graphics, sounds and other stuff...
- Teaching about how to use Unity
- Teaching about how to use whatever Unity asset
- Etc...
So, in few days I will submit here a Unity webplayer showing some of the scenes that I have done for teach Unity and Unity assets, so if you want to have good classes about Unity or some Unity asset you can buy my GIG (link below) (Note: The best thing in Fiverr is that is too cheap, so you will have Unity classes or Unity asset tutorial for less money than in other websites ;), so if you want...come here and start to learn!
Note: If you prefer, I also can teach in Spanish, only ask for it in my Fiverr webpage ;)
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Posted by Unknown in asset, fiverr, gig, learn, teach, tutorial, unity
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